Saturday, July 14, 2007


I was going to just go ahead and let my Flickr post count as my technology post (Thing #7), but that felt like cheating to me, especially because I was already familiar with Flickr. So instead, I've decided just kind of ramble and pose a question to you.

I'm getting in on this topic WAY late, but here I go anyway. It's been widely discussed that technology, with all of the conveniences that it provides, will be the downfall of our society. I'm just wondering how others feel about this subject.

Those who argue against technology say that while gaining technological advancements, we're losing freedoms. Without technology, would anything like The Patriot Act even be possible?

German philosopher Martin Heidegger made the consideration that we were "...chained to technology, whether we passionately affirm or deny it." Many of us can relate to checking emails several times a day, or not being able to leave the house without our cell phone. I get strange looks when I tell someone that I don't have cable, and I have a friend who gets it even worse when she mentions that there's no television in her home.

Others say that certain technologies make social interaction far less personal. Email, texting, chat rooms, and online forums make having to actually get out there and meet people less appealing. It's easier and in many ways more comfortable to sit at home and converse on your own terms. Do you think that we're raising a new generation of socially inept children? Will our children suffer because of the amenities we're providing?

I'm still unsure as to how I feel on this subject. I don't really have strong feelings either way. While I use many of today's modern conveniences and will say that I do have a great appreciation for technology, it does seem that sometimes life feels burdened with the "conveniences" we've chosen to use. Your thoughts???


Barbrarian said...

All very relevant questions to ponder especially right now as technology seems to evolve at warp-speed. My opinion, not that it matters in the great scheme of things, is that technology itself is neither good nor bad, it's simply tools we invent. When it serves us (meaning humankind), it's a good thing; when we choose to use it for purposes that do not serve us, it's a bad thing. But I don't think we should blame the technology itself; it's inert. Think of low-tech inventions like flatware, or matches; they serve us well in many ways, but are able to be abused. And so it goes with the rest of technology. . . .

Awad said...

Technology rocks. However, just like with everything else in life, it has it's pros and cons. A big con would be: loss of jobs... robots taking over jobs... less people needed etc.

curious librarian said...

You are so-o-o-o good! What a way with words! I think technology is a great tool, sometimes frustrating, but a great tool nontheless. However, as we said, when it takes the place of reality, and of living a real life with real people then it is a problem. Take care! ko

P.S. You are the Canfield Tech Queen!

curious librarian said...

Well, now I feel better! You are too busy to do this too! I will probably be pulling an all nighter! See you at Canfield!


Anonymous said...

We try not to let technology rule our lives but look what happens when the lights go out or the water is shut down. We can barely function.

Erin said...

You stole the title of my blog that took me forever to come up with. And also the whole description that I had up about what it means at the time. Wow. your awesome. Real damn creative.

amharach said...

Wow, I had no idea. When did you start your blog?